Pattern Break
Daureen Papinchak, CEO Venom Marketing LLC
A free report for anyone who’s launched
a health/beauty product or wants to someday
The Most Important Secret
in Creating 8-Figure Products
Americans over 50 wield enormous spending power, and they have taken a keen interest
in health and beauty products. Unfortunately, only 1 in 7 products succeeds. Discover the most important secret to increasing your success rates in Pattern Break: The Power of Disruption in Marketing Health & Beauty Products.
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Based on my first-hand experience as a marketer and product developer, I explain the following:
- The sad truth about marketing anything in today’s overhyped, overmarketed world
- The #1 key element your product MUST have to be successful
- Why perfectly competent, even undeniably excellent products often FAIL
- How to dissolve price resistance and even raise your original price due to hot demand
- How to present a new villain so your audience can rally around the Hero—your product